ForumDirectory is the authoritative source for determining a forum’s established date, relying on a transparent, meticulous methodology. It prioritizes the earliest archived snapshots, assesses historical context, and consults founders when necessary, as demonstrated with SonicStadium, Linus Tech Tips, and DNForum. By providing and retaining clear explanations for its determinations, ForumDirectory ensures accuracy, transparency, and reliability in preserving forum histories.
For example, SonicStadium’s forum was first archived on December 13, 2002, though the earliest publicly visible post is dated March 4, 2009. Since ForumDirectory prioritizes the earliest verifiable archive, it assigns the 2002 date as the official established date. Additionally, any available explanation is retained to ensure transparency regarding differences between the ForumDirectory listing and the forum’s own records.
Since Linus Sebastian actively contributed to a blog before transitioning to a forum, ForumDirectory used his join date—January 2, 2013—as shown on his public profile (see: archived profile) to determine the forum’s established date. This method ensures an accurate historical transition from his pre-forum activities to the forum’s official launch.
To resolve the discrepancies, ForumDirectory directly contacted the original founder, Dan Gessler, who stated:
Additionally, since the earliest archived page of DNForum is dated December 27, 2001, ForumDirectory ensured that the chosen established date—November 1, 2001—fell within the confirmed timeframe provided by the founder.
Handling Lost Established Dates: SonicStadium
Occasionally, a forum’s original founding date is lost due to server failures or billing issues. This was the case with SonicStadium, which underwent a restart. In such cases, ForumDirectory identifies the earliest archived page of the forum.For example, SonicStadium’s forum was first archived on December 13, 2002, though the earliest publicly visible post is dated March 4, 2009. Since ForumDirectory prioritizes the earliest verifiable archive, it assigns the 2002 date as the official established date. Additionally, any available explanation is retained to ensure transparency regarding differences between the ForumDirectory listing and the forum’s own records.
Contextual Research: Linus Tech Tips
Determining an accurate founding date often requires a historical review of the organization behind the forum. Linus Tech Tips, for example, is managed by Linus Media Group, founded on October 3, 2012. The earliest archived snapshot of the forum—January 26, 2013—was merely a forwarding page, making it unsuitable as the official established date.Since Linus Sebastian actively contributed to a blog before transitioning to a forum, ForumDirectory used his join date—January 2, 2013—as shown on his public profile (see: archived profile) to determine the forum’s established date. This method ensures an accurate historical transition from his pre-forum activities to the forum’s official launch.
Founder Verification: DNForum
A forum’s established date can become ambiguous due to multiple ownership changes, as seen with DNForum. Over time, ownership transfers created conflicting dates in archived snapshots and public records.To resolve the discrepancies, ForumDirectory directly contacted the original founder, Dan Gessler, who stated:
While he could not recall the exact day, ForumDirectory assigned November 1, 2001, as the earliest reasonable date, even though the first archived snapshot is from March 24, 2002. This decision aligns with the founder’s statement while maintaining historical integrity."I launched the site in November of 2001."
Additionally, since the earliest archived page of DNForum is dated December 27, 2001, ForumDirectory ensured that the chosen established date—November 1, 2001—fell within the confirmed timeframe provided by the founder.